Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Manhattan Declaration

The Manhattan Declaration

I was directed by my Pastor, Todd Reed, to read a new document known as the Manhattan Declaration. It is essentially an expression of what Christians believe put together and signed by over 60 religious leaders from all backgrounds. Orthodox, Catholic, and Evangelical Christians agreed that the Church has to stand up and declare what it holds to be the truth. The Manhattan Declaration expresses the Biblical viewpoint on the sanctity of life, marrriage, and religious liberty. It is very well written and calls out many of the liberal policies our current administration is pushing on us. At the time I am writing this (5:30pm, 11/25), there are already 127,383 signers. The Declaration has only been published since the 20th. I encourage anyone who may read this to go to the Manhattan Declaration website and read and sign the document too.

1 comment:

  1. You might want to consider the well thought out reasons why some evangelical and Reformed Christians have objected to signing the Manhattan Declaration. The discussion on both sides is quite civil and Christian. No objection to the basic intent of the Declaration.
